(Guiry and Guiry 2011)
Resting spore
In diatoms, a cell that requires a dormancy period prior to germination and can survive for several years; usually developed to survive adverse conditions. They are commonly observed in centric but not pennate diatoms. The morphology of the spore may be similar or different from a vegetative cell; they usually have heavily silicified walls and are rich in storage products (Horner 2002).
Resting spores and CloseAuxospore
In diatoms, the special cells that restore normal size following cell division. Auxospores are associated with sexual reproduction (Horner 2002).
auxospores present (Cupp 1943; see Description and Growth Conditions sections below).Description
In diatoms, the structurally distinct halves of the cell wall (Becker 1996).
valve surface. The central parts of the valve face may be slightly convex/concave, fitting into the concavity/convexity of an adjacent valve. Cells are thin-walled and do not have any obvious CloseSpine
In some diatoms, "closed or solid structures projecting from the cell wall;" in dinoflagellates, solid projections that usually taper to a point.
spines or CloseProcess
A natural projection or appendage on an organism.
processes. Using CloseSEM
(scanning electron microscope) A microscope which applies "a focused beam of high-energy electrons to generate a variety of signals at the surface of solid specimens" (NSF 2011).
SEM, short flap-like spines are visible on the border between the valve face and CloseMantle
In diatoms, "the part of a valve that extends from the valve face, forming the valve edge." It is visible when the frustule is viewed in girdle view (Spaulding 2010).
mantle (Hasle and Syvertsen 1997). Chloroplasts are numerous small ovoid plates, distributed throughout the cell (Cupp 1943).Intercalary bands
Girdle bands that are furthest away from the valve (Smithsonian 2011).
Intercalary bands are not visible with CloseLM
(light microscopy) "Using a microscope in which a beam of light passes through optical lenses to view an image of the specimen" (MCM LTER 2010).
LM. Resting spores form as a result of sexual reproduction, they consist of two unequal valves and are found in an auxospore (Horner 2002). Resting spores are covered with CloseSpicules
Small, needlelike structures.
spicules (Cupp 1943).Measurements
Pervalvar axis
The axis through the centre point of the two valves of a frustule. This axis is perpendicular to the valve face.
(pervalvar axis): 20 - 50 μmDiameter: 5 - 16 μm
(Hasle and Syvertsen 1997, Kraberg et al. 2010)
Similar species
The outline or border that defines the shape of an organism or cell.
marginal spine on each valve end. L. danicus can be distinguished from L. minimus by its larger size and also by the chloroplasts: numerous ovoid chloroplasts are distributed throughout the cell in the former, while only two elongated ones are located near the centre of the latter (Hasle and Syvertsen 1997).Harmful effects
"Cosmopolitan in coastal and shelf waters, common north temperate species" (Horner 2002). Absent or scarce in the subantarctic and Southern Ocean (Hasle and Syvertsen 1997).
Very abundant in late spring and summer in Northern European seas (Kraberg et al. 2010). Abundant during the summer in Norwegian fjords (Hasle and Syvertsen 1997). Peaks in spring and autumn around the South China Sea (Chen 1993).
"Fairly common off southern California. Reported at Scotch Cap, Alaska, and in Gulf of California where it may become even moderately abundant at times" (Cupp 1943).
Growth conditions
A wind-driven mechanism of mixing the water column. Cold, dense, nutrient-rich, and often oxygen-poor water from depths rises to replace the warmer nutrient-poor surface water. This input of nutrients can have a significantly increase primary productivity in a region (Dugdale 1985).
upwelling events (Casas et al. 1999). Cell density directly correlated with CloseDIP
(dissolved inorganic phosphorous) The total concentration of all orthophosphates (PO43-, e.g., HPO42-, H2PO4-, H3PO4, etc.) dissolved in the water (Harrison et al. 2005).
dissolved inorganic phosphorus (Chen 1993). Resting spores quickly form during the CloseNutrients
Various chemical substances that an organism needs for metabolism (i.e., to live and grow). These are usually taken up from the environment. Some examples include nitrate, phosphate, silica (for diatoms), iron, copper, etc. Some nutrients, like copper, are required for growth, but can also be toxic at high levels.
nutrient depletion that follows upwelling events, although the absolute number is still very low (Ishizaka et al. 1987). In the laboratory, nitrogen depletion at 10 and 15 °C caused almost all narrower cells (diameter less than 8 μm) to become sexual (French and Hargraves 1985).Environmental Ranges
Temperature range (°C): -1.779 - 29.468
Nitrate (μmol L-1): 0.053 - 30.487
Salinity: 19.590 - 36.252
Oxygen (mL L-1): 4.444 - 9.116
Phosphate (μmol L-1): 0.046 - 2.337
Silicic acid
A general term to describe chemical compounds containing silicon, oxygen and hydrogen with a general formula of [SiOx(OH)4-2x]n. Diatoms polymerize silicic acid into biogenic silica to form their frustules (Azam and Chisholm 1976).
Silicate (μmol L-1): 0.733 - 59.801(OBIS 2011, cited in EOL 2011)
Bloom characteristics
Casas, B., Varela, M. and Bode, A. 1999. Seasonal succession of phytoplankton species on the coast of A Coruña (Galicia, northwest Spain). Boletin del Instituto Español de Oceanografia. 15(1-4): 413-429.
Chen, W. 1993. Population ecology of Leptocylindrus danicus in Dapeng Bay, north of South China Sea. Marine Science Bulletin/Haiyang Tongbao. 12(2): 39-45.
Cupp, E. E. 1943. Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North America. University of California Press. Berkeley, California. 238.
Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). 2011. Leptocylindrus danicus. Accessed 3 Sep 2011.
French, F. W. III and Hargraves, P. E. 1985. Spore formation in the life cycles of the diatoms Chaetoceros diadema and Leptocylindrus danicus. Journal of Phycology. 21(3): 477-483.
Guiry, M. D. 2011. Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve, 1889. Accessed 3 Sep 2011.
Guiry, M. D. and Guiry, G. M. 2011. Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve. Accessed 3 Sep 2011.
Hasle, G. R. and Syvertsen, E. E. 1997. Marine diatoms. In: Tomas, C. R. (ed.) Identifying marine Phytoplankton. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego. 5-385.
Horner, R. A. 2002. A Taxonomic Guide To Some Common Phytoplankton. Biopress Limited, Dorset Press, Dorchester, UK. 200.
Ishizaka, J., Kaichi, M. and Takahashi, M. 1987. Resting spore formation of Leptocylindrus danicus (Bacillariophyceae) during short time-scale upwelling and its significance as predicted by a simple model. Ecological Research. 2(3): 229-242.
Kraberg, A., Baumann, M. and Durselen, C. D. 2010. Coastal Phytoplankton: Photo Guide for Northern European Seas. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Munchen, Germany. 204.
Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS). 2011. Leptocylindrus danicus. Accessed 3 Sep 2011.
Verity, P. G. 1982. Effects of temperature, irradiance, and daylength on the marine diatom Leptocylindrus danicus Cleve. IV. Growth. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 60(2-3): 209-222.